La Zone
La Zone - Un peu de brute dans un monde de finesse
Publication de textes sombres, débiles, violents.

Le topic inutile de la catégorie inutile

Démarré par nihil, Décembre 09, 2005, 19:06:56

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Les mecs en orange sont tous des boute-en-train.
Y a qu'à voir Bayrou, ce lutin.


Proto Zouaire

Rien à branler.


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Si l'un de vous a une fin de mois difficile, pour vous, camarades zonards j'ai la solution :

Citation de: Envoyé à: _Strange_  le: Aujourd'hui à 04:17:08 par meshui :
j te paye combien pour te bourrer le cul?repond moi sur
"BOURRE6MOI LE CUL", Glaüx, 05/06/2008 - 22h10.

Dourak Smerdiakov

Il me semble qu'une petite annonce pour trouver un souteneur irait mieux dans 'collaborations en cours' que dans 'inutile'. Simple suggestion.
Pour le débat citoyen et convivial dans le respect indivisiblement démocratique de la diversité multi-culturelle des valeurs républicaines oecuméniques.


Puisqu'il semble qu'il y ait des amateurs de béton/bâtiments abandonnés/trucs souterrains dans le coin, voici un site merveilleux sur l'histoire, la construction et l'exploration d'un complexe militaire américain de lancement de missiles nucléaires. Avec des tonnes de photos et d'explications en tout genre.


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Le Duc

Tous des putains de pervers ces chats. D'ailleurs ça se vois qu'il est coupable sur la photo, regardez son regard malsain.
"Celui qui se transforme en bête se délivre de la douleur d'être un homme."



Un webcomic sur les jeux video en général et les MMO en particulier.

Les commentaires sur la droite sont souvent aussi drôle que les strips eux-mêmes. Exemple :

"Take a look at your average Internet forum and you'll see a legion of chattering ninnies soiling the place with their trolling, first-post-ing, me-too-ing, Rick-Rolling, flame-baiting, fanboy-ing, gay-bashing, hotlinking, thread-jacking, sig spamming, topic-bumping, lolcat-ing, and pictures of David Hasselhoff. Their goal seems to be to raise up a new culture based on technology, illiteracy and calling people fags. The only thing more inexplicable than their fractured prose is why they bother participating in the first place, since they all seem to hate each other with such intensity.

At some point somebody got it in their head that while RPGs are fun, they could be so much more fun if you were locked in a room with all the screaming chimpanzees of the Internet while you were trying to play. Thus was born the MMORPG, a bad idea with a worse acronym that has ended millions of marriages, jobs, and college careers.

World of Warcraft is nice enough to offer several types of servers, so at least you can choose what kind of chimpanzee you want to play with. I really appreciate this.

I admit that today's strip greatly exaggerates the amount of roleplaying you'll see on roleplaying servers. The player names on these servers are just as infantile and stupid as the names on other servers. It's always the same collection of misspelled fictional icons and quasi-phallic puns. A vast majority of the people you meet want nothing to do with the roleplaying business, and they joined the server for the same reason you see people arguing over Linux distro packages in a forum for African-American cancer survivors in Spokane: Because people don't give two dead plague-bearing hamsters for your rules and guidelines, you pretentious forum Nazi.

On the other end of the spectrum are the people who actually are trying to roleplay, which sounds nice but really just turns places like Goldshire into a madhouse of overwrought teenage drama and Elf-on-Gnome cybersex. You might imagine a scene where players get together and enact a dramatic scene that borrows from the Warcraft mythos, but what you end up with is an asylum where each and every inmate is authoring their own unique and horribly demented reality.

It's ridiculous, it's childish, it's bad for you, and I really don't think I'll be able to quit without the help of a 12-step program."
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